Monday, August 19, 2013

Update on orthodontics

I'm approaching the 9 month mark for getting my braces on, and it's amazing to see how much of a difference there has been. It's been a challenge at times because of how much work they had to do. Being that I delayed getting this done about 25 years longer than I should have, I ended up needing a lot more extensive work. My oldest son has a similar teeth structure to me, so we'll be getting his braces on very soon, so he can do a more simple treatment.

So for those of you grossed out by teeth pics, you might not want to keep scrolling down.

This is your last warning :)

So here's a pic of my teeth shortly after getting my braces on.

Here's a pic today. The most amazing thing is seeing how much they've been able to move the teeth on the z-axis. If you look closely you can see that on the right side, in the front, there's a whole different tooth that you can't even see in the 'before' pic because it's behind the other one. All the places where the teeth were doubled up are gone now, and everything is lining up quite nicely. It's quite the change, and I'm looking forward to getting it all off in a year or so.

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